Civics Education
Virginia State Government

How a Bill Becomes a Law in Virginia

One of the key functions of legislators in the General Assembly is to create laws to establish and maintain the common good. The following chart identifies the typical procedure whereby a bill becomes a law. Bills may originate in either the House of Delegates or Senate.

  • A senator or delegate has an idea for legislation or receives requests for legislation from constituents, state agencies, organizations, or the business community.

  • He or she presents the idea to the Division of Legislative Services and requests that it be drafted into a bill. The bill is signed by the patron, introduced, and printed.

  • The bill is referred to the appropriate committee. The members of the committee consider the bill and decide what action to take by voting. At this time the public may speak.

  • First Reading: The bill title is printed in the Calendar or is read by the Clerk, and the bill advances to second reading.

  • Second Reading: The next day the bill title appears in the Calendar on second reading. Bills are considered in the order in which they appear on the Calendar. The Clerk reads the title of the bill. A bill on second reading is amendable and debatable. A bill that has passed second reading with or without an amendment is engrossed. If an amendment is adopted, the bill is reprinted in its final form for passage.

  • Third Reading: The next day, the engrossed bill title appears in the Calendar. The title is read a third time by the Clerk. Senators and Delegates still have the option of debating the bill during this reading. By a recorded vote, the bill passes or fails.

  • Communication: When passed, the bill is sent to the other body, either by the Clerk in a written communication or by a member in person, informing the other body that the bill has passed and requests concurrence.

  • In the other body: The bill goes through essentially the same procedure as it did in the house of origin. The bill title is printed in the Calendar or is read by the Clerk. The bill is referred to a standing committee, considered, and reported by the committee. The title is read a second and a third time before passage.

  • Committee of Conference: If the House amends a Senate bill, or the Senate amends a House bill, and the house of origin disagrees with the amendment, a conference committee, usually three members from each legislative body, may be formed to resolve differences.

  • Enrollment: After being passed by both houses of the General Assembly, the bill is printed as an enrolled bill, examined, and signed by the presiding officer of each house.

  • Governor: The bill is then sent to the Governor for his approval, where the Governor may 1) sign the bill into law; 2) amend the bill and return it to the General Assembly for approval; 3) veto the bill and return it to the General Assembly, where the House of Delegates and the Senate may override the veto by a two-thirds vote of both houses; or 4) take no action and the bill becomes law without the Governor’s signature.

    After being signed by the Governor, the bill is sent to the Clerk of the House (Keeper of the Rolls of the Commonwealth) and is assigned a Chapter number. All Chapters of a Session are compiled and bound as the Acts of Assembly.

  • Bills enacted at a Regular Session (or the Reconvened Session that follows) are effective the first day of July following adjournment of the Regular Session unless another date is specified.

  • Bills enacted at a Special Session or Reconvened Session are effective the first day of the fourth month following the adjournment of the Special Session, unless another date is specified. The General Appropriations Act is usually effective the first day of July and Emergency Acts become effective when signed by the Governor.

    Source: Adapted from Virginia Government in Brief, pp. 86-87.


In this video segment, Dr. Karen Hult, political science professor at Virginia Tech, provides a comparative analysis of the Virginia General Assembly to other state legislative bodies. She describes key characteristics of the Virginia General Assembly.

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